The film I chose..... 28 Days Later. (those of you who have seen the movie will understand why I have titled this post the way I have)
Now, everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE zombie movies, or any other movie for that matter that centres around an apocolyptic vision of the past, present or future.
Call me sad, but I just find the whole idea of a world in chaos due to flesh eating, ravaging undead corpses (or in the case of 28 Days Later, a rage infected populace) fascinating. I mean, how cool would it be to live in Raccoon City (Resident Evil), armed with a shotgun with an unlimited supply of ammo, shooting the crap out of hordes of murderous, hungry undead creatures!! BRING IT ON!!!
Remember the old text adventures of old? I've written a couple of those games centering around this very thing - a group of survivors in England struggling to live and cope while the recently dead continue to rise and rampage the surburban streets of the UK. I think thats why I enjoy 28 Days Later so much - its the only true zombie movie (OK OK..... I KNOW, they aren't really zombies) set in our country and its great to see familiar landmarks in such an 'end of the world' kind of way.
I would very much like to post some of those adventure games online sometime if anyone is interested in playing them. Actually, they are more like those Choose Your Own Adventure books which you could once get - I don't expect any of them to be the next best-selling novel, a George A Romero beater, or a contender for the Resident Evil computer games, but if like me you'd like to see more zombie carnage in the streets of London (and yes, Basildon too!!), then I hope you'd find them a decent substitute until someone reintroduces and centres the genre back in good ol' Blighty
The street is deserted. You continue to walk along Tottenham Court Road, cars left resting in the roads with their doors wide open. Litter lay spewed all over the place. The eiree silence is disturbing.
It is getting dark. Knowing that it would be suicide to continue in the dark, you look around for somewhere to hide low for the night. The entrances to the shops are still wide open, a sign of how quick this all happened. Shopping bags with their contents spread over the pavement. What started as a normal day at the shops for many turned into a bloody day of carnage and destruction
You can see : litter
Available exits are -
West : An entrance to Tottenham Court Road Undergound Station. The gate appears closed closed.
East : Back the way you came along Tottenham Court Road.
North : Entrance to a large music store.
You are carring .... A Crowbar
What would you like to do?