HOW CAN THEY DO IT??? Not only was the last episode of the current series of Doctor Who probably the weakest episode of the new series, but I've just found out that it's official.... Kylie (I can't sing or act) Minogue is going to star in the Christmas special "Voyage of the Damned".
For heavens sake!!! What next? Madonna as a new companion? Sod it, why not just get rid of David Tennant and get someone like Justin Timberlake as the new Doctor.
Instead of wasting good money on stupid guest stars, how about spending it on some writing talent - Stories that aren't rehashes of earlier episodes, stories that don't revolve round running down corridors all the time, stories that don't rely on having mobile phones as key plot devices, or stories that involve saving the world by waving a sonic screwdriver in the air. Oh pleeeeeeeese.
Message to the writers of Doctor Who - if you plan to bring back those pathetic Psycho Santa's in the Christmas Special AGAIN, have Kylie play one of them and kill them off for good.
Rant over...
Don't get me wrong, I love the show - but if it carries on like this, I see Doctor Who going the way it went back in 1989.