Today, Thursday 12th February 2009 is the day that we found out that we were having twins!

To be honest, I've had a gut feeling for a week or two. Michelle is only 13 weeks pregnant, yet she is so..... 'big'. I mean that in the nicest possible way. I've been telling her that either she is wrong with her dates or that there is more than one in her belly!
The moment the sonographer placed the transducer on Michelles tummy, the two babies were as clear as can be. I knew it straight away, but didn't say anything until the nurse finally confirmed it to both of us.
Of course much of the time at Cheltenham hospital today was spent informing us of the complications that can occur when having twins, and to be truthful, some of the things we were told were quite scary.
The good news is that Michelle will be scanned and monitored every 4 weeks from her 20 week scan.
I really do not know what else to say. I'm still a little lost for words.