Sunday, August 08, 2010
Work and no play....
Who am I trying to kid... I need a change.
Work hasn't been too bad to be honest. The summer holidays are great because I get to actually do work and get things finished without the usual interuptions from teachers and students. Infact, what I managed to do this week, it would probably take me several weeks to do! Notable jobs include updating and migrating the schools MIS SQL database from 2005 express to 2008 Standard, and moving over 1000 shared user areas from one server to a new server running MS Server 2008. Inbetween that I've also managed to re-image an entire classroom
Oh... if you ever find yourself in the position of having to migrate 'shared' folders from one server to another (we're not talking about copying files and folders while keeping the ACL settings here.... no-siree!!!), you could use the Microsoft File Server Migration Tool Kit. You could write a batch file that reads a list of folder names and shared names and let it create them for you via a loop, or you can simply export the following registry key from the source server:-
... and import it on to the new server! Of course, the folder locations must be the same (in our case, in a folder called Users on the D Drive), but it worked fine, and was a lot quicker to do that any of the 'recommended' ways.
I still think I need a new job though...
This week will involve lots of phonecalls to Frogtrade - the developer of our new Virtual Learning Platform. For the price we paid for it, their technical support has a lot to be desired.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Return...
At the moment, I am writing this whilst visiting my parents in Essex. Tomorrow will be Sophie's and Kayleigh's first birthday! My gosh, where has the time gone? We've got balloons, a cake, and I think we may all be going for a walk along the seafront from Westcliff to Leigh-On-Sea... a ritual that we always do when we come here, just like walking Southend Pier (like we did yesterday).
Thinking of work is getting me down a bit at the moment. Not sure why though, as it's not much different than most years. We've got quite a few projects going on during the summer holidays, and I'm stressing a little bit because they all need to be finished and/or up and running by the start of the new school term. To be honest though, lately I've been letting a lot of things get on top of me, along with the stressing and worrying - it's amazing I still have my hair! I'm sure I've knocked a few years of my ticker!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
New Song - "Popcorn"

I hope you like it. Comments welcome.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
"Yes I'm back, and its not a repeat, so turn on your computer and start reading this stupid s**t!!!!"

I've had an interesting few days this past few weeks. Went back to work on Monday after having the previous week off (half term), and on Wednesday I started my driving lessons again! It's been nearly three since I last drove, but I think I did well. Below is a map of the route I drove.

I also had to see the dentist because I've been experiencing excrutiating pain from one of my wisdom teeth. It appears I need to go to hospital and have it removed... Oh joy. I hope they do it under general anaesthetic.
So there you go! Kieran, Sophie and Kayleigh are growing quickly. I can't believe that the girls are nearly seven months old already. I'll say one thing for the past couple of months... They have flown by!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Welcome to 2010
Lots has happened over the past few weeks which has resulted in me losing my interest in updating this blog - I doubt I will talk about here, but rest assured things will resume as normal soon.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pimp my C64

1x Amiga 500 with a 120mb harddrive and 40mhz accelerator
While I am posting, I thought I would also include a photo of Kieran in his new school uniform. He started school last Monday at Bengeworth First School, and after a week, he absolutely loves going.