Sunday, November 27, 2011
Erasure - Live at the Roundhouse - 25th October 2011 - Video
Updated 14th October 2013 - The videos should now be back online.
Sono Luminus, Live at The Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Always, Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
When I Start To (Break It All Down), Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Oh L'amour, Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Sometimes and A Little Respect, Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Stop, Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Breathe and Victim of Love, Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Fill Us With Fire and Breath of Life - Live at the Roundhouse, Camden - 25th October 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Erasure - Live at The Roundhouse - 25th October 2011
It's been a long time coming, but finally to coincide with our visit back home to Essex, we also got the chance to see Erasure live at The Roundhouse in London on Tuesday 25th October. The last time we saw Erasure was way back in May, 2003 during "The Other Tour", and this time was just as fantastic! The venue, the setlist, and the atmosphere was incredible and we can not wait for our next time (we're not going to leave it so long!)
Kicking off with "Sono Luminus", they then wowed the crowd with timeless classics like Oh L'amour, Sometimes, Stop, Victim of Love, and many more. They also played some tracks from their new album "Tomorrow's World", including When I Start (To Break It All Down), and my personal favourite Fill Us With Fire.
Two days later, my ears are still ringing. What an amazing time we've had. Such a shame we have to go home today back to Evesham... and to work.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Mastertronic - What if?
Incase you are not aware (or can not remember), Mastertronic were big in the mid to late 1980s and were a major budget software label in the United Kingdom and produced a large number of cheapo games and re-releases for the Commodore/Spectrum/Amstrad/Atari 8-bit computers (and some 16-bit too) - most at a pocket-money-friendly £1.99!Just a bit of fun really, but what would modern games look like if Mastertronic still released games like the good ol' days? Well, here you can find out!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A week in the life of an IT Manager in a school!

Now one week in to the term and school year, I am knackered, counting down the days until half-term, but less stressed (now knowing everything has worked reasonably well) - infact, this picture of Sophie pretty much sums up how I am feeling at the moment!

What will the next week bring? Who knows, but for now I'm going to sit and watch Back To The Future with Kieran (again) while I recuperate from cleaning out our two garden sheds. I'm then going to have a retro-fest with some Commodore 64 classics, before playing some more Resistance 3 on the PS3 - I've got my weekend sorted!
Sunday, September 04, 2011
On so begins a new term, and new year!
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Who? Doctor 'Flaming' Who, that's who.

I seriously do not understand why people praise Steven Moffatt so much - his writing is childish, diabolical in places and quite often cringe worthy. I swear, Kieran (my six year old son) has better ideas for stories in his little head.
Come on, River Song is Amy Ponds daughter? How obvious was that! I knew that was coming ages ago.
I really like Doctor Who (but nowhere near as good as Star Trek), but with the way things are going, unless Steven Moffatt improves his writing, or he relinquishes his position as writer and showrunner for Doctor Who, I will be switching off permanently.
I swear, Moffatt thinks he is great at writing season long story arcs - Hey Steven sorry to sound nasty but - go and get some lessons from J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5). He knew how to do it properly!
Still, after that rant, I will be looking forward to "Lets Kill Hitler" in the Autumn - only because it'll be the only thing worth watching on a Saturday night (and my only escape from all the rubbish talent/dancing/music shows that clog up primetime Saturday night television here in the UK.