I've seen so many kids try it at school, so I figured I'd give it a go..... If you visit www.myheritage.com, you can try out a cool little web-based program which attempts to match a photo which you send of yourself with famous people. The image above is a result.... Spookingly, it says I resemble "The Shat"!!! How about that! Is it a coincidence that I just so happen to love Star Trek?
I probably look like that picture of Theo van Gogh when I've had a few too many (if you know what I mean). It also says that I resemble super-model Valeria Mazza!!! Hmmmmmmm. So thats what I'd look like with long blonde hair, and makeup
Bloody stupid thing - Its crap!
Actually, it may be me getting old and stupid, but besides William Shatner, I haven't the foggiest idea who the others are! I mean, I had to google Valeria just to find out she's a model!
I do believe you're further out of the celeb-loop than I am, and that is saying something. Of course, wasn't Nick Lachey the guy that was with Paris Hilton? hehe