A picture of Bob Marley and the words "JAMIN IN THE NAME OF THE LORD"
I must admit, I was a bit slow and didn't get it at first, but thats the kind of humour I have to put up with from the teachers and staff at Evesham High :)
Well.. It made me laugh anyway
Speaking of Evesham High, it looks like I will be getting my 'informal' interview for Network Manager at the school very shortly as the Headmaster mentioned to me that he wants that done before the May half-term holiday. YIPPEEE. Speaking to some people at the school, it looks like the job is 100% mine.
Well, not much has really happened over the past 2 weeks since my last post. Oh, our television has packed up, so that has gone in for repairs. Actually, I'm hoping the guy won't be able to fix it as I've got my eye on a nice 42" LCD television. We are having to put up with some cheapo Hitachi 32" CRT which is crap as a backup but it does keep Kieran happy so that he can watch his Thomas The Tank Engine and Bob The Builder DVD's.
The weather has been glorious these past few days, so I have been enjoying the countryside that Evesham offers by going for some nice long walks. I've taken loads of nice scenic photos and panoramas too - expect to see some of them on my Panoramic website soon.
Catch you all soon :)
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