Thursday, January 01, 2015

And so another one ends, and a new one begins....

Hmmmph.  Happy New Year 2015 
  • A new year for more things to go wrong
  • A new year to spend stressing and worrying about everything.
  • A new year of working my arse off, but still not be able to buy a house or have anything to show for it apart from an empty bank balance, and lots of sleepness nights.
  • Another year closer to death.
  • Another year further away from the best decade ever (the 80's).
  • Another year closer to being 40.
  • Another year to wonder where I'll be this time next year.
Yes, I can think of a couple of good things - I have a wonderful family whom I love more than anything else in this world (and are the only thing keeping me going at the moment), but being the natural pessimist that I am, these things are always overshadowed by the negative things in life.... because that's me.

Also, after reading quite a few posts from my friends on Facebook, it seems as though quite a few people also had an awful 2014 and are glad to see the end of it.  SO, here's wishing you all a much better 2015.
Anyway, I doubt I'll be purchasing a hoverboard any time before Wednesday October 21st 2015, nor will I be getting a hover conversion done to Zoe Zafira.  Damn you Robert Zemeckis...  Your future predictions were crap.

Goodbye 2014 - You were quite shite actually.

Sigh....  New year is always such a depressing time of the year (Spoken in true Marvin the Paranoid Android style).  Added to that, we're leaving Laindon tomorrow to return to Evesham.  Boo hoo.

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