I'm beavering away at the code as you read this :)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
DON'T PANIC.........
Another post.... Another redesign...
So, here we go again with a new redesign. Not too sure on this one either, so expect another change soon. I've already changed some of the code, but I think I'm going to dabble with changing the fonts and see how it looks after that.
Oh... BREAKING NEWS........ I am pleased to announce that Kieran is finally potty-trained!!!!!!! (Thats number ones and number twos!!!) WHOPPEEEEE
Friday, August 24, 2007
New Blog Design / Domain Update...
Following on from the post I made last night, I was able to get through to the company who deal with my domains and the problem was sorted - apparently it was a fault on their end.
I was really worried that I might have lost the domain. Afterall, I've had it for 6 years now, and I rely on it a great deal, mostly for emails though.
Anyway, changing subject - what do you think of the new Blog template that I have designed? I have tried it out on Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 and it appears to look alright. I had an issue with Internet Explorer 6, but I think it may have had more to do with my laptop than anything else. The template was based on an existing one, but I changed so much of the code that it's almost a complete new design.
I would love to hear any comments on the new design, and for visitors to tell me if the blog doesn't appear as it should on their OS / Internet browser - so please leave feedback (good or bad) and let me know.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I renewed the domain last week, but it's now telling me that it will expire on the 1st January 1970!!
Anyway... Put simply, stu-wilson.com (the website) will probably be down as well as everything that is on my website (including the graphics for this blog). I will also lose my email addresses as well. I'm hoping to ring them up in the morning to see if I can sort it out, but it may be too late. I'm not sure if the domain expires at midnight tonight, or midnight tomorrow night.
This doesn't affect www.captains-blog.co.uk - I've still got over a year before that domain is due to expire
Anyway, you have been warned.

You can thank Dan over at http://www.0ddness.co.uk/ for this because he is always changing his template/layout, and I felt I'd better do something with mine.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Techie Alert!!
It's an HP Proliant ML350 server with 2Gb ram, Dual-core Xeon Processor with 6x 300gb hot-swappable drives with a Lightscribe DVD writer and HP Ultrium 448i tape drive. It's all been set up and ready for the start of the new term in two weeks time.
I also had a go with playing on a Nintendo Wii for the first time today. I must admit, I haven't been that impressed with the software titles that are currently available for the console, but we set the console up in one of the classrooms and played Wii Sports using one of the interactive whiteboards via a projector and it was great fun - I especially liked the Bowling and Golf games. I'm actually tempted to get one myself now!