Sunday, June 21, 2020

Game Covers - Storm (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

A thrilling, highly addictive arcade adventure.  1 or 2 players (Storm and Agravain Undead) must pit their wits against the traps laid by Una Cum and fearfully battle against his evil minions.

Joystick only.
Written by : M.J. Talbot
K.D. Shrapnell
S.E. Martin

Conversion by Binary Design

The cover

The inlay

The tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)

Game Covers - The Chip Factory (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

The cover 

The tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)

Game Covers - Torpedo Alley (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

Become a U-boat commander and sink the convoy.

The cover 

The inlay

The tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Game Covers - Trailblazer (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

Thunder into the unknown at breakneck speed, pushing your reflexes to their limits in this definitely exhilarating journey that's not one for the fainthearted. Roll left, roll right avoiding the endless chasms of doom that lay in and around the squares of mystery.  Squares that will sometimes slow your progress, on occasion with fatal consequences and sometimes speed up unexpectedly or make you jump automatically.  Keep a keen eye on the clock as the quicker you complete your task the higher will be your bonus.

Game cover

Inlay, complete with hand written cheats!

The tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)

Game Covers - Tutti Frutti (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

You are super strawberry in this fast moving, all action arcade game where you have to collect fruit from the orchard and avoid being captured bu the acid apple gang.

The cover

The inlay, complete with hand written cheats!

The tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)

Game Covers - Video Meanies (Commodore 16 and Plus 4)

Shoot your way through 24 Meanie filled screens to get to the videos.  Stunning sound effects, great graphics, and guaranteed infuriation!


The Cover

The inlay, complete with instructions and hand written cheats!

The Tape

3D View (hold and move to rotate)