Yikes!! Where has the time gone??
I apologise for the lack of any updates over the past 2 weeks, but things have been pretty busy, and its so nice to be able to finally relax, what with it being the Easter holidays.
Most of last week was spent preparing for the Annual "Awards Evening" at my school which took place on Wednesday evening. Initially I was responsible for the all the IT requirements for the event , but I ended up being in charge of the sound, managing the stage lighting, technical support, photographer and video recording person!!! (I even ended up having to help finish someones powerpoint presentation as they had a big speech to do). All in all, a very successful evening, even though I started work at 8.00am and didn't leave until 10.30pm! - I love overtime.

The Awards Evening at Evesham High School - 2007
Infact, work has been taking up a lot of my time actually lately. This time of year is always the same - The IT department has a little bit of money left which needs to be spent before the beginning of the next financial year - so, we've just gone out and bought 6 new interactive whiteboards, 6 data projectors, 30 laptops, 26 flatscreen monitors and 30 new desktop PC's to replace the last few old machines dotted around the school. As you can imagine, I've been working overtime trying to get them installed, and I'm having to go in a bit during the holidays just so that it is all ready for when the new term begins... but hey... I love overtime (haven't I already said that?)Right, I'm off now to finish painting our front garden fence.... So long for now!