Sunday, February 08, 2009
To Boldly Go.... (Again)
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Snow Show

I remember years ago when it snowed much worse than this, and I still had to go to school, or work. Even the slightest dusting of snow these days and that's it..... nobody can get to work.... schools close.... public transport comes to a standstill. It's like the end of the world!
Still, I can't really complain - they did decide to shut my school today, so I've been at home doing various things like putting a new facia on my PSP, putting a few shelves up, and editing a few home movies. I also managed to play out in the snow with Kieran and Michelle.
They say more snow is on the way. To be honest, I would actually like to get back to work - I've got so many things I need to be getting on with.
Anyway, I will leave you with these two pictures. The top photo is looking out from our frontdoor (obviously touched up in Photoshop), and the bottom one is of Kieran enjoying himself in the white stuff.

Friday, January 30, 2009
"We don't need no education"
Walking through the corridors at Evesham High School today I have seen kids on their mobile phones without a care in the world, being mouthy to the staff, listening to their MP3 players during lessons and ignoring the teacher when they have been told to switch them off. I have seen them trash classrooms, unplug computers, and show absolutely no respect whatsoever to their environment, or us.... the staff.
Just a typical day really.
When I started at the school, I was quite keen to go to university to get a degree so that one day I could teach - It is something that I had always wanted to do - I don't think I'll bother. Why should I waste my time trying to help such unruly, disrespectful little turds. It's not just here though - it's everywhere.
There are no consequences for their actions - If students do something wrong, they get a nice warning and told not to do it again. They realise that they can push teachers as far as they like and that nothing will come of it. Schools are so much different from when I left 16 years ago. I never dreamt of calling a teacher gay, or a wanker to their face, or vandalise valuable school IT equipment.
These are the people who will one day be running our country in the not too distant future - is there any hope for us?
Rant over - sorry. I needed to get that off my chest. I actually had a really nice day at work really.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The beginning of a new year.... 24 days late!
Not much to report on the baby front - Michelle had her first visit to the midwife on Monday 12th January and other than signing some forms and filling out her FW8 so that she can get her Maternity Exemption Certificate, there isn't much else to say. Michelle has her first scan on Thursday 5th February which I am eagerly looking forward to.
Christmas came and went, and so did my 32nd Birthday. Work has been full of the usual - students forgetting their passwords, getting verbal abuse from the little shits when I catch them doing things to the computers that they shouldn't be doing. The most challenging thing we've been involved in at the school is replacing our crap email supplier with our own in-house Microsoft Exchange 2007 server. The toughest part is still yet to come - not teaching the kids.... but training the staff!
Still, almost a year after selling my entire Star Trek video collection, I am happy to say that I now been able to purchase all of the Deep Space Nine and Voyager DVD boxsets (along with my existing Star Trek TOS boxsets). Thanks to some extreme selling on eBay, next month I will get Enterprise, followed by The Next Generation and my collection will be once again complete!! Yippeee.
They will stand proud, next to my Gavin and Stacey boxset!!!!!!!!!
I must go now and nurse a nasty headache.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
3 + 1
We both found out today that Michelle is once again up-the-duff... bun in the oven.... PREGNANT!!!
We are both over the moon. This is without a doubt one of the best Christmas presents ever. We have worked out that she is 5 weeks gone already which means that she should be due sometime during the middle of August 2009.
As you can see, I am ecstatic, and I will be using the Captains Blog over the next 8 and a bit months detailing all the events that will lead up to the birth of Wilson Junior number 2.
Stay tuned.....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Live long and prosper...
JJ Abrams is doing a great job at keeping everything secret about this movie, just like he did with Cloverfield, but the official trailer for the new film is released this Friday, so I am sure a lot of questions will be answered then.
One big question was answered yesterday though - What will the Enterprise look like in the movie... Well... here it is!

First impressions - Honestly, I am not that impressed... But then, I thought the Enterprise D from the Next Generation was one ugly son of a bitch at first, but after time I came to like it!WOOHOOO!!