Ladies and Gentlemen... may I present..... The Cake!!!

Ok, I admit, I did have 'a little' help from Michelle, but not much!!!!!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen... may I present..... The Cake!!!
Ok, I admit, I did have 'a little' help from Michelle, but not much!!!!!!!
This is no joke! Don't believe me? Check this out <----- CLICK HERE
This reminds me of Kernkraft 400's Zombie Nation which was a blatant rip off from David Whitakers 'Lazy Jones' on the Commodore 64.
It also goes to show that even now, the 8-bit sounds of a 3 channel Commodore 64 (and the thousands of incredibly talented composers) are still popular as ever before.
AND, while I am on the subject of Timbaland, whats the deal with R&B (Rubbish & Bollocks), and Hip Hop????? I mean, I'd rather listen to a room of screaming babies then put up with the likes of Rihanna, Nelly Furtado, The Pussycat Dolls, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!
Right I'm off to listen to some real music - A real C64 Remix done properly, with full credit to the original composer - Matt Grey - and it's remake - Instant Remedy.
Ok... ok.... I'm a geek, but I didn't think I was THAT much of a geek.
Still, I'm proud of my geekness!
The long awaited teaser trailer for the new Star Trek movie has finally made it onto Youtube. The film of course has a Christmas Day 2008 release date, but you will also be able to see the trailer if you go and see Cloverfield in the cinema.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, but boy, did I get goose-bumps just watching it, and listening to Leonard Nimoy utter those immortal words "Space, The Final Frontier"...
Star Trek is back, and it's going to be BIG!!
Actually, I only decided to get one because there was a really good deal on the model that I was looking at, and fortuantly one of the teachers at the school was interested in paying a reasonable price for our old television.
Due to the rather large size of the new television, I've spent the last two evenings moving the living room around, and re-cabling the surround sound speakers, satellite and television aerial cables (with a little help from Kieran), and now I am knackered! The major change is that the television and settee have swapped places and are now on the other side of the room, which was no easy task with the amount of stuff we have in our living room.
I've even done the unimaginable..... I've completely taken apart my beloved computer and thrown away the computer desk to free up some more space in the living room. The computer hasn't gone completely though - The idea is to have it on the floor beside the new television and for it to be connected via a VGA cable directly for use as a gaming machine, and for me to use my wireless laptop more for other things.
It gets delivered tommorow morning, and I can't wait! The only thing is I'm at work all day, so I've got to wait until 4.15pm to play with it!