Friday, January 01, 2016

New Year, New Beginnings

Those who know me know that New Year is usually a depressing time for me.  Another year older, and the start of another year where anything can happen (usually bad).
Well, I can honestly say 2015 will be remembered as being the year things started to look up for me. It's been a great year, and it's so nice that it's ended on a high.  I'll always go in to each new year as a pessimist (that's just me, expecting the worst), but at least (at last) I've gone in to 2016 happy, with my wonderful family and some wonderful memories from 2015.
For me, the big event of the year was us moving to a much larger house.  It's surprising how much happier we all are with the extra room.  Of course, that's not the only good thing to happen in 2015.  I've been able to manage my work/life balance a little better, and all in all I'm feeling a lot better and happier in myself.  Still some way to go, but at least I'm on the right track.
Anyway, have a fantastic and happy new year everyone and I hope 2016 is 'your' year.

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