I've come to the conclusion that 'alot' of people in this country are arrogant, selfish, and damn-right unpleasant.

Kieran was playing happily down the park by the river yesterday and got friendly with a very kind Polish boy who was also playing in the park. The polish boy's Mum stood by (hardly spoke any English, but hey!) and let the two boys play. Now, another family (British) came along with their son. WHAT A F**KING STUCK UP, SPOILT LITTLE BRAT. He wouldn't let Kieran on the slide, and kept pushing him out of the way, and pulling stupid faces at Kieran. His name was Sebastien and what was so annoying was that his stuck up parents were just standing, watching him.
Again, I took Kieran to the same park today, and Kieran was happily playing on the slide and climbing frame until some old geezer decided to bring his awful two grandsons into the park, and once again one of them began to push Kieran, blocking his way so that he couldn't get onto the climbing frame, and all the old man seemed to be interested in was smoking his fag.
Kieran has always been a kind, gentle boy who loves to share his toys with other people (especially when he goes to Playgroup). When he goes to the park, he always lets the other kids go on the slide before him. I'd like to think that its because Michelle and I have taught him the simple things like how to share etc.
Kieran.... oneday when you are old enough to read this, I want you to know how bloody proud I am of you.
Oh.... and my opinion of the Polish has changed. Evesham might be full of them, but they have more decency and respect than a lot of the British citizens who live around here.