It did start off as being my version of the Tyrell office as seen in the movie Blade Runner, so I may change it considerably yet!!
It did start off as being my version of the Tyrell office as seen in the movie Blade Runner, so I may change it considerably yet!!
Well, while it's half-term, I've got a week off work so I've been busy doing a little more work on the trainset, and I have also got back into programming and game creating and started making a game which I am currently calling "Dynamite Dan and the Demon-Possessed Factory From Hell".
The game is based on the classic cheap £1.99 games that you could buy during the 1980's and features wonderful quasi 3D graphics, 16x16 pixel tiled graphics and wonderfully authentic 8-bit sound effects. Although the graphics, sound and game design is by me, the game is based on three classic 8-bit platform games - Dynamite Dan (by Rob Bowkett for Mirrorsoft), Big Mac - The Mad Maintenance Man (Tony Kelly for Mastertronic) and Manic Miner (By Matthew Smith for Software Projects).
The game 'engine' is complete and I am now in the process of designing the levels. I actually find this part the hardest thing to do when developing a game, but fortunatly I have Michelle as a game tester so she can tell me if the level is too easy or too hard.
I am hoping to post a demo online soon for you all to try out.
Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for my next post.
Michelle has done a wonderful job at building the railway station for me, and I have started work on building the frame for the second tunnel (the largest of the two tunnels).
Things have slowed down a little bit thanks partly to Grand Theft Auto 4 (which I am spending most of my spare time playing), but I am gradually getting back into the building mood, much to Kierans happiness! - the sooner he can have his trainset, the better!
Well, the sales person whom I spoke to on the phone just kept telling me that the N95 is a crap phone and that if I would go with the Samsung model, I could also get £150 cash back - yes, a cheque for £150.
I gave in, and said OK, with the understanding that if I wasn't happy with it, I could return it within 7 days.
One day later, my new Samsung arrived. I opened the box, had a proper look and came to the conclusion that the phone just was not for me - it had none of the features that I've come to expect from a phone, so I rang up and explained to them that I wished to return the phone.
As you can imagine, the sales person attempted to try and change my mind by adding an extra £100 to the cashback offer - yes, £250 cash back. I tried to explain that the phone was not for me.
I was then passed to another 'senior' sales person, and once again they tried to convince me to go with the G600.
Phones4u, get it into your thick heads that I DO NOT WANT THE BLOODY G600. I know that you all have sales targets and that you have to sell a large number of a certain model to reach your targets, but instead of thinking of yourselves, how about thinking about what the person who is actually paying for the phone wants. I know what I'm talking about - just because you sit behind a desk in some office selling mobile phones all day, don't think that you know everything about phones - you don't. I wanted an N95 - I need a phone with the functionality of a smart phone running the Symbian operating system. If you can't get me one, then I will go elsewhere.
Anyway, after threatening to leave them, they finally gave in, and have offered me a good deal on a N95 8gb with cashback (even though when I first spoke to them they said they couldn't offer me any cashback on the phone). Hopefully I should receive the phone in the post in the next couple of days.
I've now been constucting one of the tunnels. Using small wooden supports, I have placed some wire mesh to simulate the contours of a hill. Paper-mache will be added later. Once that has dried, we can then add the grass scatter-mats to cover the hill with realistic grass.