Ever since the early 90's when I was a wee boy at school, I collected Star Trek comics. Now, call me a geek (I don't care) but even to this day I still read them. Some of the stories are wonderful, and the artwork in certain issues still looks great.
Now, comics are brill (especially zombie ones as well!!).... if not for the poor, flimsy paper that they are printed on. My collection of Star Trek comics which I had been collecting for nearly two decades were beginning to show wear and tear so I decided awhile back that maybe it would be a great idea to scan each issue and store them digitally on my computer so that they would never deteriorate.
Although I had been planning to do this for quite some time now, I began the project officially on January 12th 2004 when I decided to buy a scanner just for the job. A nice cheap Packard Bell Diamond 2400 Max for about £40 which I didnt even think would last 50 issues!!!
It is now August 2007 and after over three years in the works (plus a full time job AND a baby), I have managed to scan my entire collection on my computer.... oh... and with a little bit of help towards the end
Yep, thats -
Over 3 years it has taken me to get this far.....
Live long… and prosper.