This one was an xmas present from his Granny and 'Gampy' (Michelle's folks), and although we are really grateful.... Where are we gonna store the bloody thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
We're thinking of building a garage, or an extension so that we can store all of Kieran's new toys!
Anyway, it is now the 27th December, and Christmas has finally gone. I hate saying it, but I am glad. As I have mentioned here before I am not a very festive person. I am probably the most least religious person on the planet, and Christmas for me is a very depressing time of year. That probably sounds really selfish of me now that I am married with a young son, but I do have reasons which I do not wish to talk about here. Don't get me wrong though, watching Kieran opening his presents was wonderful and I look forward to it again next year, but the whole Christmas thing for me just gets me really down and sad. I can't wait for things to get back to normality again.
Anyway, there is something I am looking forward to before going back to work - spending the New Year with my Mum and Dad. Michelle, Kieran and I are heading to Laindon tomorrow evening and staying until Tuesday to see in the New Year back home. Its a great opportunity for us to see my folks, and hopefully see my friends too as I still miss them all more than ever.