Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back Online......
Quite possibly the best news I've had in ages (well... in three weeks!)
Thankyou BT.... Thankyou AOL... (Just don't let it happen again!!)
Life without the internet WEEK 3!!!!!!!!
I still don't know who is to blame. Is it BT for messing up our line in the first place and having to make us change our number, or is it just a continuation of the on-going struggle I've been having with AOL disconnecting me all the time without any proper reasons. AOL state that they have no download limits, so it can't be because I've been downloading up to 40gb in 'stuff' every week! When we were down in Essex a few weeks ago, I finally convinced my Mum to go Broadband, and guess what.... she's already been connected and enjoying high speed broadband. If it wasn't for the fact that when I rang AOL up last week, and they reduced my bill for being a 'loyal long-time' customer, I'd probably just ditch them and re-order from someone else..... I'd probably be reconnected quicker!
Changing the subject a little.... I've only 5 more weeks to go before the school summer holiday begins!!! YIPPEEE.... 6 weeks off work. Oh, and a week on Saturday I'm off to Edinburgh to see DJ Tiesto...
...and speaking of DJ's, I've just found out that the school want ME to be guest DJ at our annual summer staff ball at Dumbleton Hall. Should be fun!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Life without the internet.... Week 2
Come on BT - Pull your finger our of your arse!!
Anyway, what have I been up to this past week? Well, besides wasting many hours playing Tomb Raider Anniversay, I've had another driving lesson, AND I've had my hair bleached (now with trendy highlights - pictures to follow)
Whoa... Stuart Wilson trying to be fashionable... Quick ring the press!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Internet Access Withdrawal symtoms.. ARRGGHHH!

AND YES... we have paid our bills!
So, I am without internet access at home (which is a bummer), and I'm having to resort to using the school internet system for all of my downloading needs (as an administrator, I don't get all those pesky restrictions that everyone else gets!!! HE HE!!).
Monday, June 04, 2007
We're back....

Friday, May 18, 2007
28 Weeks Later

When I heard about a sequel several months ago, I got all excited. Well, tonight I have just seen '28 Weeks Later' and boy what a film!!!!
I'm not quite sure whether it's better than the original or not, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any good - far from it. One of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time, and it has helped restore my faith in the British film industry.
I'm not going to reveal too much of what happens - this post is more of a recommendation, but some of the highlights have to be
Go and see it!