I'm going to rant now, so I apologise in advance....
There are 4 things in my life that really bother me at the moment
1.) OAP's. Don't get me wrong, I respect them, and thank them for everything they did for us during World War II - BUT STOP BEING SO MISERABLE!! I mean, all they ever do is moan and complain. I get it from Michelle's grand-parents. Is that what I've got to look forward to when I turn old and grey?
2.) Our next door neighbour. The bloke lives alone, doesnt work, and yet thinks its a great idea to do all his DIY, cut the lawn, bang and smash during the night. I mean, he doesnt do anything during the day, yet keeps me, Kieran and Michelle up during the night with the constant noise, and his drugged up friends knocking and banging on his door in the middle of the night.
3.) Foreigners. I'm not racist, and I'm not against everyone from other countries - just those who come over to England, can't talk a word of English, scrounge of our government, get given a nice 3 / 4 bedroom house. Evesham is full of Polish and people from various nationalities. Now, most of them work admittingly, but none of them speak a single word of English. Now, if I was going to live in a different country, I WOULD MAKE SURE I COULD SPEAK THE LOCAL LANGUAGE.... even if it was just a little bit.
4.) Cars with massive exhausts. I MEAN WHATS THE POINT??? We've got a prat who lives a couple of doors away (strangely enough, he is foreign!!) who has a bloody car with an exhaust pipe that looks more like some rocket boost port or something. Every night at around 10.30 he revs it up outsude, making such a noise, and reverses onto OUR driveway so that he can turn around. Now, with the sound of the stones and gravel on our driveway, along with the revving noise of his car, it keeps me and Michelle awake, whether we have the bedroom window or not.
Anyway, thats enough from me for the moment. Rant over. I'm off now to finish getting ready for work.
Bye for now!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
"The end is extremely f**king nigh"

The film I chose..... 28 Days Later. (those of you who have seen the movie will understand why I have titled this post the way I have)
Now, everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE zombie movies, or any other movie for that matter that centres around an apocolyptic vision of the past, present or future.
Call me sad, but I just find the whole idea of a world in chaos due to flesh eating, ravaging undead corpses (or in the case of 28 Days Later, a rage infected populace) fascinating. I mean, how cool would it be to live in Raccoon City (Resident Evil), armed with a shotgun with an unlimited supply of ammo, shooting the crap out of hordes of murderous, hungry undead creatures!! BRING IT ON!!!
Remember the old text adventures of old? I've written a couple of those games centering around this very thing - a group of survivors in England struggling to live and cope while the recently dead continue to rise and rampage the surburban streets of the UK. I think thats why I enjoy 28 Days Later so much - its the only true zombie movie (OK OK..... I KNOW, they aren't really zombies) set in our country and its great to see familiar landmarks in such an 'end of the world' kind of way.
I would very much like to post some of those adventure games online sometime if anyone is interested in playing them. Actually, they are more like those Choose Your Own Adventure books which you could once get - I don't expect any of them to be the next best-selling novel, a George A Romero beater, or a contender for the Resident Evil computer games, but if like me you'd like to see more zombie carnage in the streets of London (and yes, Basildon too!!), then I hope you'd find them a decent substitute until someone reintroduces and centres the genre back in good ol' Blighty
The street is deserted. You continue to walk along Tottenham Court Road, cars left resting in the roads with their doors wide open. Litter lay spewed all over the place. The eiree silence is disturbing.
It is getting dark. Knowing that it would be suicide to continue in the dark, you look around for somewhere to hide low for the night. The entrances to the shops are still wide open, a sign of how quick this all happened. Shopping bags with their contents spread over the pavement. What started as a normal day at the shops for many turned into a bloody day of carnage and destruction
You can see : litter
Available exits are -
West : An entrance to Tottenham Court Road Undergound Station. The gate appears closed closed.
East : Back the way you came along Tottenham Court Road.
North : Entrance to a large music store.
You are carring .... A Crowbar
What would you like to do?
Its a dull dull day in a dull dull week in a dull dull month
Sorry for the lack of updates. To be honest, not much has been happening here in Evesham lately, and things have been rather quiet.
We are looking forward to flying over to Jersey in two weeks for a couple of days to see my friend Fiona get married to her fella. The last time I flew on a plane (my first time actually when we went to Rhodes), I practically s**t myself when we took off. When I'm up there, its ok - its just the whole taking off and landing part which I hate. I've been trying to explain to Kieran that we're going up in the air on an aeroplane (trying to demonstrate with one of his toy planes)....
I think he kind of understands.... and he laughs.... no doubt wondering why Daddy is holding one of his toys and making strange vvrrrrmmmmm noises.
Hopefully something exciting will happen here in Evesham worth writing about, but until then.......
We are looking forward to flying over to Jersey in two weeks for a couple of days to see my friend Fiona get married to her fella. The last time I flew on a plane (my first time actually when we went to Rhodes), I practically s**t myself when we took off. When I'm up there, its ok - its just the whole taking off and landing part which I hate. I've been trying to explain to Kieran that we're going up in the air on an aeroplane (trying to demonstrate with one of his toy planes)....
I think he kind of understands.... and he laughs.... no doubt wondering why Daddy is holding one of his toys and making strange vvrrrrmmmmm noises.
Hopefully something exciting will happen here in Evesham worth writing about, but until then.......
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Its not all doom and gloom
Actually I do have something to be happy about. My "Not Another Comic Bakery Remix" is still being watched by quite a few people and doing reasonably well on youtube.com. I have even had two nice people leave positive comments. Oh, and it has been 'favorited' twice!!!!
Oh, and after recently revamping the look of my blog, I think I might give my website over at www.stu-wilson.com a complete and radical face-lift as well.
Oh, and after recently revamping the look of my blog, I think I might give my website over at www.stu-wilson.com a complete and radical face-lift as well.
Feeling low :o(
I've been feeling a little low lately..... Not depressed or anything like that.. just a little sad.
You know, working in a school I sometimes forget how old I am getting. Although I still have nearly four months to go before I reach 30, all my friends who I went to school with have either turned 30 already, or will be reaching that age in a few months time. Most of the new Year 9 pupils at Evesham High School where I work (those who have just moved up from Middle School to High School) were born in 1993 - the year I left school!!! It doesn't seem that long ago when I finished my last exam on Friday 25th June 1993, and walked out of the school gates for the last time, and here I am now, helping kids who were born just as I had finished education!
Its not that I feel I'm getting old which is worrying me... What scares me the most is how fast time is flying past.
I left school 13 years ago. It's hard to believe that I have been with Michelle for nearly 5 years now, Kieran is 20 months old in 2 weeks time. Where is the time going? So much has happened in my life in the past 13 years since leaving school and it feels like my life is rushing by at an incredible rate.
Working in a school reminds me of all the good times I had with my friends back when I was a student, and I think how lucky I am that most of us still stay in touch (even though I no longer live near them) and then I think about the really good friends I had who for one reason or another have no interest in staying in touch.
What am I going on about? I have no idea. I'm not sure if I am making any sense writing this post, but I just wanted to write what is going through my mind at this very moment, and I guess thats the whole point of having a blog.
Lately I've been feeling a little homesick too!!! Homesick???? 5 years after moving from home???
Do you know what cheers me up when I start talking and thinking like this??..... A bit of nostalgic retro gaming on my Commodore 64 to help cheer me up and remind me of the good ol' days, so I think thats what I am going to go and do now.
Until the next post..... au revoir
You know, working in a school I sometimes forget how old I am getting. Although I still have nearly four months to go before I reach 30, all my friends who I went to school with have either turned 30 already, or will be reaching that age in a few months time. Most of the new Year 9 pupils at Evesham High School where I work (those who have just moved up from Middle School to High School) were born in 1993 - the year I left school!!! It doesn't seem that long ago when I finished my last exam on Friday 25th June 1993, and walked out of the school gates for the last time, and here I am now, helping kids who were born just as I had finished education!
Its not that I feel I'm getting old which is worrying me... What scares me the most is how fast time is flying past.
I left school 13 years ago. It's hard to believe that I have been with Michelle for nearly 5 years now, Kieran is 20 months old in 2 weeks time. Where is the time going? So much has happened in my life in the past 13 years since leaving school and it feels like my life is rushing by at an incredible rate.
Working in a school reminds me of all the good times I had with my friends back when I was a student, and I think how lucky I am that most of us still stay in touch (even though I no longer live near them) and then I think about the really good friends I had who for one reason or another have no interest in staying in touch.
What am I going on about? I have no idea. I'm not sure if I am making any sense writing this post, but I just wanted to write what is going through my mind at this very moment, and I guess thats the whole point of having a blog.
Lately I've been feeling a little homesick too!!! Homesick???? 5 years after moving from home???
Do you know what cheers me up when I start talking and thinking like this??..... A bit of nostalgic retro gaming on my Commodore 64 to help cheer me up and remind me of the good ol' days, so I think thats what I am going to go and do now.
Until the next post..... au revoir
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Kieran dances to the Scissor Sisters..

Kieran loves the Scissor Sisters... Everytime we put the TV on, and "I Don't Feel Like Dancin' " comes on, he gets up and starts showing his dance floor moves (I can't say I blame him, I think it's a fantastic song). I recorded him earlier tonight on my mobile phone (I apologise for the awful sound quality), and wish to share the clip with you all. Just click on the picture above to start the streaming video.
My favourite part is half way through the video where he looks like his clicking his fingers to the beat of the music..... you'll see what I mean!
Update - 18th September 2006
I've had reports that the video doesn't play on certain computers. I've tried it on a few PC's at work and at home and I've been getting a mixture of some that work and some that don't. I think that as long as you have the lastest version of Flash Player installed (9 I think), it should play ok. Shoot me if I'm wrong!
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