Friday, January 04, 2008
Happy New Year! (Part 3)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
Besides suffering some of the worst headaches/migraines that I have had in years over the past couple of days (no they are not drink induced headaches), Michelle, Kieran and I are both in Laindon to see in the new year. Sorry to my friends who we never got a chance to see while we were visiting - We just haven't had enough time and unfortunatly I need to get back to Evesham by Wednesday afternoon to help organise a Wireless network survey at the school.
So, what are my hopes for 2008?...
...That'll be telling :)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Ho Ho Ho....

To be honest, I'm not a very merry person at Christmas, but as I write this, I'm watching Kieran playing with all the great presents that he got, and I think back to this very day 20 years ago - Yep, Christmas 1987 - the best Christmas I ever had......
Why was it so great..... Because it was when I got my Commodore 64, the best present I have ever had in all of my 30 Christmases. It was the one present I got the most enjoyment out of (and I still do, 20 years later!!). I don't know if it is just me, but Christmas just isn't the same now that I am older, but I think to myself that Kieran has still got all this enjoyment, and excitement to come, and it's nice to know that I'll be able to share it with him and see him happy opening his presents over the coming years.
Well, the excitement of Kieran opening his presents has now finished. We are now off to spend the rest of Christmas and Boxing Day at Michelle's hotel... Ho Hum.
Catch you later!
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ok ok... before I start sounding desperate, these videos are in really good condition and deserve a new home. Every single episode of all 7 seasons of the hit show Deep Space Nine AND the first season of Enterprise thrown in free!!! Seasons 1,2 and 3 have been watched three times whereas season 4,5,6 and 7 have only been watched twice.
I want to eat your braiiiinnns.
And this is the best one - I took the 'How much of a geek I am?' test, and I managed to score 105%!!!!!! Just getting a score I shouldn't really be able to get has got to be geeky enough - (Honest, I swear I didn't cheat!). I think I found a bug in the code somewhere because for one of the questions, it asked me for the answer twice.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Baa, Humbug

Anyway, as you can see from the picture, we have decided to put our Christmas tree up, much to the delight of Kieran. I've never been a festive person - infact, I cant stand this time of year. For me, its a very depressing period (not forgetting to mention how much I feel Christmas has become more commercialized). Infact, if it wasn't for Kieran, I doubt I'd even bother with it. I mean, if there is something that myself or Michelle wants to get during the year, we will get it - we wont wait until Christmas - I mean, whats the point?
Still, it's all about Kieran. Thats what I keep saying to myself. Its important that he enjoys it, and that has a great time! We've already done the Christmas shopping, and I think Kieran is going to be pleasantly surprised with what he gets on the 25th.